Bringing Safety to life. We design, deliver and inspire.

People choose to work safely for many different reasons – beliefs, family values, financial benefit, improved job performance and sometimes it’s simply because the rules force them to. Our focus is on trying to help people realise the real benefits of great safety, whatever their motivation. Sometimes this involves engaging with trainees using original analogies, like the tremendous teamwork skills of meerkat mobs or the world-class leadership traits of elephant matriarchs.
Equally, we realise that in some workplaces (through variables in geography, society and even religion), a more powerful and sobering catalyst is required, such as the stories of Gary Gallagher and Jennifer Deeney. Our training programmes are used by organisations who operate in the world’s most challenging working environments, as well as some of the most common. It is our priority to make our content relevant and appealing to a diverse spectrum of audiences; from miners in Peru to line workers in Mumbai. The best way for us to ensure this is by taking the time to thoroughly research and develop new material, considering the wider economic, environmental and cultural factors impacting on organisations and their stakeholders.
As Lattitude develops and continues to grow, we hope to share ideas and drive innovation within the safety industry to improve the wellbeing of people’s working lives, wherever they are.
We look forward to working with organisations and individuals who share the same values as us.

Do it yourself

A full training course in a box (or streamed). We give you the tools you need to run your own successful training.


Our consultants can deliver any of our established training programmes or something awesome we haven’t thought of.

Train the trainer

Our consultants are more than happy to share their expertise so that you can have your own in-house trainers to deliver a consistent message.

Power to you

Safety training must always evolve, you could be the brains behind it, driving Safety in a new direction.