You can tell a lot about a person by their choice of favourite Christmas movie. Elf and they are likely to have a refreshingly juvenile sense of humour. Die Hard and they’re either arguably confused about what constitutes a Christmas movie or simply have a yearning for yuletide action. Bad Santa and while they’d undoubtedly be great fun […]…
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“Infamy Infamy” The Elephant In The (Safety Leadership) Room
So if you are going to quote famous British comedic icon Kenneth Williams (playing Julius Caesar in Carry On Cleopatra) to start a blog on safety leadership you probably should have a better reason than the fact that for some strange reason he somehow always reminded you of your awesome Aunt Mog. Thankfully a bit of poetic licence goes a […]…
read moreDriving home for Christmas …………. eventually
Whilst returning home from a recent pilgrimage to a local retail paradise, feeling battered and bruised (physically due to the crowds and fiscally due to the seemingly endless Christmas lists we’re expected to fulfil….), I approached a ludicrously complicated junction. It’s not quite as bad as Swindon’s infamous Magic Roundabout in the bonkers-stakes, but not far off. Best described as […]…
read moreLattitude Safety On Film
Many thanks to our friend Bruce at Muddy Boot Productions for putting together a great short film highlighting what we do at Lattitude. You can see the end result here:…
read moreHow a small dose of safety kindness can change our working lives for ever.
“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” Mark Twain Today is the 20th World Kindness Day with events planned all over the globe. Kindness is perhaps the defining quality or essence of being human. It’s what we look for in the people we love and at the heart of our lifelong friendships. And […]…
read more5 ways you can have a bigger impact in safety
There is a fine line between a good safety initiative and a really great one. We’ve come up with five things to get you thinking about how you can make the next step in your safety campaign really count for something. ::1:: Inspiring people saves lives People in health and safety are unsung heroes. Every day, H&S professionals do things […]…
read moreGiants of Leadership – A Testimonial
Giants of Leadership – A Testimonial I worked for a company that took safety to it’s heart and had many young manager with high potential making their way through the management jungle to the high temple of executives….One day I was asked “Vince, how are we going to get our principal of safety first over to this management group?”…that was […]…
read moreNew Release: FREE for all Diary customers
New release of Ken Woodward’s The Diary We recently worked with our friends at Toyota to create a special short version of The Diary. We liked it so much that we’ve decided to make it available to all our customers. At just 7 minutes long, this streamlined story detailing the consequences of Ken Woodward’s horrific accident is perfect for toolbox talks. It encapsulates the hard-hitting emotion and […]…
read moreMoy Park wins with Meerkat Way
Congratulations to Moy Park, winner of the Food Manufacturer of the Year award Moy Park recently joined a prestigious roll-call of award-winning companies using our Meerkat Safety™ programme. First earning the title of ‘Meat and Poultry Manufacturing Company of the Year’, Moy Park then went on to gain the coveted ‘Food Manufacturer of the Year’ award at the Food Manufacture Excellence […]…
read moreLattitude speakers use films to make an impact
Our fantastic speakers Jen Deeney, James Gorry, and Mick Loughran have been making waves in the safety world. The feedback we’ve received has been incredible. “So many people have told me that your story changed them.” All our speakers show the real long-term impact accidents have. They talk about the accidents that have effected them in an honest and meaningful way, which […]…
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